
Sustainable Living

  • BetterInformed
  • 01 Apr, 2021
Sustainable Living


Consider investing in some weather-resistant upvc windows and doors. they’re designed to keep the cool air in while shutting the heat out, which makes your home more energy-efficient year-round. Local companies like Zealcon and Euwin will recommend the right product for your home and install them as part of the package.


Swap out your light bulbs with led alternatives. The switch can save you up to 80% in energy consumption. Plus, they have a longer lifespan than traditional bulbs, so you’ll end up saving money in the long run. 


Turn off your appliances when not in use. Everything from your TV to your phone chargers are energy vampires, sucking up precious energy even when they’re not in use. Making a conscious decision to keep them off is simple, but highly effective. 


Switch out your liquid hand soap and shower gel for solid bar soaps that are made with natural ingredients and essential oils. Your skin will thank you and you’ll avoid releasing chemicals into the waterways. 


A tap aerator fits directly onto your kitchen and bathroom faucets to reduce the water flow rate. This means you’ll conserve energy and cut down on water usage. Shifteco has a selection of options that fit 90% of UAE taps. 


As Abu Dhabi has announced that they will be phasing out disposable plastic bags this year, get ahead of the curve and grab some fabric produce bags. They’re a swap for one-use fruit and veg produce bags. Remember to keep some in the car so you’ve always got them to hand.


When washing your clothes, do it on a cold-cycle and use a laundry egg that contains gentle mineral pellets. They act as a cleaning substance for up to 50 washes. By ditching the standard detergents, you’re preventing chemicals from entering the water system. 


Go green with your cleaning supplies. There are a range of product lines that are made using sustainable manufacturing processes and that have naturally derived ingredients. Scrubbers and sponges are often ladled with toxic materials, whereas their natural counterparts are made using biodegradable fabrics like wood and coconut hair. 


In the kitchen, swap out your single-use cling film for silicone lids or beeswax wraps. They keep food fresh, last for years, and can be thrown in the dishwasher for a quick wash.


Install a water filter and say goodbye to plastic bottles forever. Plastic is not only bad for the environment, but the chemicals also leak into the water you’re drinking. Many companies offer water filtration systems now, such as Quooker, so save water technologies, liquid of life and no more bottles.