You have 350+ messages in your inbox and you’ve already answered more than half of it. A deal was closed because of your superb presentation. Your manager was impressed with your dedication. A long day at the office, wearing that game face to meet whatever deadline you have from your boss, gives you all the right in this world to reward yourself a little of something— perhaps a drink that satisfies!
Dealing with office stress is just a few sips away!
We’ve listed five delicious and healthy drinks that you can you get a thrill out of savouring, as you enjoy at the comfort of your own home after a busy day.
1. Cold-brew iced tea
Aromatic and naturally sweet! Weather in Dubai can be a bit tricky, so you might as well consider this refreshing idea. Breathe in and enjoy the view from your window while sipping a glass of cold-brew iced tea.
2. Cherry juice
Sweet dreams aren’t just made of bedtime stories. If you desire a good night’s sleep, then a warm cherry juice is the answer! Wear your PJ’s and jump into bed because this drink can get you knocked out in no time.
3. Ginger lemon drink
Soak in your warm tub and relax! This drink is best to include in your evening rituals specially if you’re planning for an island trip or if you have a friend’s wedding to attend to. Ginger lemon tea helps weight loss by eliminating toxins from your body.
4. Milk
What page of your favorite book are you on now? A warm glass of milk along with a good read can help increase our serotonin level—hormone of good mood, which results in us having a beautiful morning! (It’s a match indeed!)
5. Hot chocolate drink
It’s winter once again! Throw a movie marathon and have a fun packed evening with your family. The best way to keep them awake? Prepare a hot chocolate drink and some pop corn on the side!
Relieve the pressures of the day with these recommended beverages. You deserve a little break before you go back to the grind.